Help Needed~~Decoding Transmitter Signal

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New Member
The T-signal of the Transmitter IC has a certain operation in hte receiver circuit which couldn't be traced by us. So please help us in knowing how hte T-Signal transmitted, where is it recieved in hte receiver circuit and how is it applied to a toy car operation.

There is an attachment provided of the remote-controlled-toy car's transmitter-cum-reciever circuit.


  • trs.doc
    96 KB · Views: 373
I would have thought getting information on the chips is fairly unlikely, you will probably have to reverse engineer the format.

The design is very simple, you can easily spot the connection from the IC to the transmitter, and the same in the receiver - use a scope (preferably a storage version) to study the waveforms with different buttons pressed.

The receiver itself is a simple super-regen design.
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