I'd look for a multi winding, multi tapped trapped transformer such as this style (but hopefully cheaper!):
That gives you maximum versatility.
Connect all the secondaries in series and use it as an autotransformer - all four in series for 240V in, pick off any voltage along the "chain" of voltage taps.
Or, connect a couple of sections & in phase with the primary for the input, and draw off at the main primary terminals for output - if you added 110V of secondary in series with the primary for input, the "240V" terminals would have around 2/3 the input voltage.
You could also do that with a big, but simpler 230 or240V to 110V transformer, but only ~2/3 input with with series windings or ~half input using primary to secondary.
This would not be too bad, not perfect but cheap!
<p dir="ltr" style="margin-top:0; margin-bottom:0;">Old but repayable RS 1000va Transformer </p> <p dir="ltr" style="margin-top:0; margin-bottom:0;">PRI 200 - 250 V SEC 100 - 150 V </p>
Input N - 250, output between 100 - 250 would give 60% of input voltage, or output N - 200 for 80% of input.
Add a voltage sense relay to switch taps depending on the generator voltage output??