help needed for project

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New Member
i really need to find a miniproject in electronics--maybe some kind of an alarm system or a tester,something simple. i have never done circuit design before.our professor has asked us to decide a topic & i have no idea how to go about it.can somebody please help me out.its really really urgent.
OK, how about an alarm like you see in electrical stores. A wire is fed through the handles of portable radios on display, so that to steal the radio you have to unplug the wire to get it free. That sets off the alarm.

If you want to go a stage further, repace the wire with one or more infra red beams to 'protect' the radio. You have to break the beam with your hand to get at the radio. Store detectives rush in as before!
How old are you? What kinds of things interest you? These thoughts will help you zero-in on a good project.
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