help needed for simple circuit design

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New Member
hi all
i'm looking to find a simple circuit that switches 2 led's on when the voltage gets below 2V or even below thet the led's are 25Ma 2.1V and the Vcc supply is 7.2V
the circuit is for my electric rc car to simulate break lights as the power drops through the speed controller
so any help would be much appreciated with this circuit
I'm only guessing, but your car may use PWM to drive the motor. If it does you will need to filter (integrate) it before you use the comparator. Let us know if you need help.
So do you want these LEDs brake lights to come on when the power runs down?
Or do you want them to work like actual break lights and come on when the car stops?
Here is a simple circuit that has a sharp knee at 2.495V.


  • DF112.png
    21.7 KB · Views: 169
i would prefer the led's to just come on as the power drops through the speed controller

Huh? Come on, make some effort here. At least draw a plot of the servo voltage vs time with some annotations where you want the leds to turn on and post it here!
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