Help needed on how to control pulse width of a -15vdc pulse train @ 20khz

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how to control pulse width of a -15vdc pulse train @ 20khz
Help needed to control the pulse width of a (negative) -15vdc pulse train at 20khz..

Basically, the pulse is as described in the picture attached which is of the pulse itself all details are within picture.

I will not need to vary the frequency only the pw..
I would like to use something very simple... I have been searching everywhere.

However, most designs are base on negative going pulses on a +dc supply and not on a wave form that actually goes positive from a negative -15vdc supply.....

please idea's would be great appreciated.
Ps: The pulse train controls a fet driven NEG Dc chopper circuit (high current)

Thanks to all who take the time to at least read this post.


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