Help needed please to choose a suitable PIC

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Well-Known Member
I need a PIC with the following attributes.
One that I can write assembly programmes using MPLAB IDE. I don't have the time to learn the MPLAB Xpress.
A 40 pin DIP package that has at least 16 i/o with Interrupt on Change. (I need at least 28 i/o in total)
An internal oscillator would be ideal, but not essential. I can use a crystal if necessary.

The osc frequency is not critical. Anything from 32 kHz upwards.

I have searched the Microchip web site for a list of the attributes of the various PICs.
Such a list may exist, but I could not find anything useful.

Any assistance will be appreciated.
Have a look at the 16F1789 - it is supported in MPLAB and has IOC on all I/O.

Thanks Mike. However, I use WINPIC for burning the programmes into the PIC.

I could not see that PIC in the WINPIC list. I'll download another copy of WINPIC & see if it is a later version. If so, it may have that PIC.

If Winpic doesn't support it then do yourself a favour and get a PicKit3 so you can debug as well. They can be had on ebay for under $15 For Example.

A long time since I used WinPic but seem sure I programmed my 18F4520 chips on it, which fit your requirements and more.

The 18F range has the advantage of easier memory usage and extra features over the older 16F chips; makes Assembly coding a lot easier.

Agree with Pommie a Pk3 or even the trusty old Pic2 should be a worthwhile purchase, Microchip or Far East clone, or even DIY if you search this forum many plans for a Pickit2 - Search 'BlueRoom' and ' Pickit2'

Thanks for the suggestions. After much consideration of them & the various options, I have decided to not use relays & use 2 16F1708 PICs as they have sufficient pins & IOC on every pin.

I will also buy a PicKit3.
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