and the ULN2803 are 500 mA, 8 channel units.
The are really nice chips. They were just confusing when I first used one. There is a pin that returns all of the spike suppressors to the + supply and the appreciated part is that with the inputs floating, the output is off.
ASIDE: Off the beaten path:
i worked in research and Radio Shack was a place I used of a few parts here and there. I had problems "buying" because of "petty cash
" restrictions. Only the business office had purchasing cards. At one time, you could spend up to $50.00 cash and get re-imbursed.
The mechanical supply places have excellent shipping times. e.g. mscdirect, mcmastercar and grainger have excellent shipping times. My favorite is mcmaster. mscdirect's prices has gone up significantly, but postage is another matter.
Generally one postage charge unless an item has to be drop shipped. Items usually arrive the next day.
If I'm willing to wait up to a week, I can pick up locally with no postage. At the local office, there is very little stock. They stock items for users.
At one point, most of my electronics ordering was from Catalog and call for every price. No web at this point. I had an account representative.
One boss generally allowed me free reign and I was able to help other employees as long as the time wasn't excessive. The other boss was a nanosecond time manager.