Hello all, I'm looking for a component recommendation for a unity gain analog inverter. I have available a regulated 5v DC supply and a stable ground supplying various sensors whose outputs serve a sealed black box computer. The computer generates various control signals up to 12 volts DC, it's about the size of a text book, 20 to 30 years old I'm guessing, runs warmish, and is powered by 12vDC. That's about all I can say of it.
I need to add a sensor, which the computer can accommodate, but I have to invert its output. The new sensor will be excited off the 5v rail and outputs a signal between 1 and 3.5v. I'm thinking the signal level will vary on the order of 1Hz or so at the fastest, for the most part it'll just hold at a stable level around 1.5v and only periodically raise in response to a mechanical event.
Until the circuit's in operation there's not much I can measure so far as current, and even then I cannot really control or predict the real world event(s) that trigger the sensor, but I also have no reason to believe changes in signal voltage will appreciably effect changes in current. The computer's input pin measures 107kΩ relative to ground when powered on and 101kΩ when powered down. Otherwise I have no idea what's on the other side of that pin or if other operational conditions change the input resistance, but probably not. Also, all associated diagnostic procedures are based on measuring voltages with a generic voltmeter and the thin gauge of the system's hard wiring both suggest there's never a point much amperage is involved on any of these signal lines. Also, given where and how the system works and its other sensors I'm thinking we can discount noise considerations. This is a pretty rudimentary process control application, it's an old sawmill actually.
The goal here is to invert the new sensor's output such that 3.5v translates to 1 volt, 1 volt translates to 3.5v, and all ranges in between similarly and linearly translate across the full range of positive voltages. There's definitely vibration involved, and moisture too, at times lots of it, there's also dirt, dust, and at times maybe up to 120°F. I'm picturing a 1"x 1" breadboard glued to the body of the sensor all of which is then sealed in a vinyl dip and bolted as safely as possible beneath a frame member. I can bench test the inverter circuit and sensor by simulating the assembly's operation, but I cannot test the whole of it in actual operation. If it doesn't work in situ I may not know that for several weeks. Basically, once it's installed that's it. It's got to work and work reliably while giving no indication if that's actually the case or not. I'm placing my faith in the notion that if it works on my bench, it'll work in the machine...
I'm not sure there's much more I can add here, I do not have access to another system I can measure anything from and not much more I can characterize about what I do have. Nonetheless this basically seems pretty simple, it's just not the kind of project I have much experience with. I considered using an op amp, but I'm not sure if the operational conditions (vibration, uncertainty about current, low frequency) make that a good idea. I then thought about using an NPN, but discrete component design is taking me even further away from anything I have experience with. I can solder pretty well so I'm not too concerned about fabrication, but I am concerned about practicality, reliability, availability, and time. I have only about a week to get this figured out so components I can buy from Radio Shack (our only and nearest electronics supplier) would be really helpful. I'm in a remote place in Southwest USA. Anything needing to be shipped here will exceed my time budget for sure.
Given the factors involved what basic component(s) would be best to build this around? Sorry for the long story but thanks in advance for giving it thought.
I need to add a sensor, which the computer can accommodate, but I have to invert its output. The new sensor will be excited off the 5v rail and outputs a signal between 1 and 3.5v. I'm thinking the signal level will vary on the order of 1Hz or so at the fastest, for the most part it'll just hold at a stable level around 1.5v and only periodically raise in response to a mechanical event.
Until the circuit's in operation there's not much I can measure so far as current, and even then I cannot really control or predict the real world event(s) that trigger the sensor, but I also have no reason to believe changes in signal voltage will appreciably effect changes in current. The computer's input pin measures 107kΩ relative to ground when powered on and 101kΩ when powered down. Otherwise I have no idea what's on the other side of that pin or if other operational conditions change the input resistance, but probably not. Also, all associated diagnostic procedures are based on measuring voltages with a generic voltmeter and the thin gauge of the system's hard wiring both suggest there's never a point much amperage is involved on any of these signal lines. Also, given where and how the system works and its other sensors I'm thinking we can discount noise considerations. This is a pretty rudimentary process control application, it's an old sawmill actually.
The goal here is to invert the new sensor's output such that 3.5v translates to 1 volt, 1 volt translates to 3.5v, and all ranges in between similarly and linearly translate across the full range of positive voltages. There's definitely vibration involved, and moisture too, at times lots of it, there's also dirt, dust, and at times maybe up to 120°F. I'm picturing a 1"x 1" breadboard glued to the body of the sensor all of which is then sealed in a vinyl dip and bolted as safely as possible beneath a frame member. I can bench test the inverter circuit and sensor by simulating the assembly's operation, but I cannot test the whole of it in actual operation. If it doesn't work in situ I may not know that for several weeks. Basically, once it's installed that's it. It's got to work and work reliably while giving no indication if that's actually the case or not. I'm placing my faith in the notion that if it works on my bench, it'll work in the machine...
I'm not sure there's much more I can add here, I do not have access to another system I can measure anything from and not much more I can characterize about what I do have. Nonetheless this basically seems pretty simple, it's just not the kind of project I have much experience with. I considered using an op amp, but I'm not sure if the operational conditions (vibration, uncertainty about current, low frequency) make that a good idea. I then thought about using an NPN, but discrete component design is taking me even further away from anything I have experience with. I can solder pretty well so I'm not too concerned about fabrication, but I am concerned about practicality, reliability, availability, and time. I have only about a week to get this figured out so components I can buy from Radio Shack (our only and nearest electronics supplier) would be really helpful. I'm in a remote place in Southwest USA. Anything needing to be shipped here will exceed my time budget for sure.
Given the factors involved what basic component(s) would be best to build this around? Sorry for the long story but thanks in advance for giving it thought.