help needed with project

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New Member
Hi all ive just signed up here i have 0 knowledge on electronics but need a hand. Please bear with me this will be a long post.

Last friday a very good friend of mine got a big shock and has been told he has Oesophagus cancer which has spread to his liver and marrowbone which means this visit to your site is an important one for me.

Dave was told he has max 1 year and i have promised to get this Dalek completed before he goes as this has been a long time project he has always wanted to do. Dave has a full size fibreglass shell of a NSD (new series Dalek) he has a few other parts like the light covers for the top of the dome. I have a mobility scooter motor and wheels with all electrics and would like to make it remote controlled so he can have a go with it if i can get it done on time. I The Dalek is at my house i have full set of plans for the build but very little knowledge on how to go about the electrics so please if any of you could help either by way of donating parts drawings of how to set up the wiring or anything else you can offer please help me make this happen it would mean so much. Parts needed would be speakers led lights some way to connect the Dalek to a controller which will move the top dome 360 deg the top eye to move up and down, lower down the gatlin gun to spin and make smoke, i have a voice controller coming and i can find some 8 om speakers but wiring everything up will be a challenge to me. the scooter is 24v 2x 12v 12ah batteries that will move the dalek and control lights etc. So any offers of help design or parts to make this build a reality would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for reading my post.


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The half spheres on the body can be made from the two part empty clear Christmas ornament balls, or contact your local security camera company and ask them for the round covers off their broken cameras.
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