Help on building a robot that can climb out of a box

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In school, i got to build a mindstorm robot that can climb out of the lego mindstorm box. We are allowed to use up to 3 motors. The box is the green one where all the lego parts are placed. try to keep it simple and i need help immediately.
Right now, I'm not stay at my laptop, I cannot give you the links. But you can imagine about a rectangle structure of wheels. like this:

1) The rectangle of 4 middle wheels will change as the 3 top pictures

2) The front wheels will move up by the friction

3) It can climb up and go down

4) it has 1 front wheel, 1 back wheel and 4 middles wheels. Each side has 2 wheels connected with each other by a movable rectangle structure.


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What Falleafd proposes is a very cool robot designed at a university if I am not wrong. IT is called "the shrimp" and it was designed as an all terrain bot.

Although a nice idea it will not work for this situation. He/she has a limit of 3 motors (as oposed to a motor in each wheel of the shrimp). He/She has to make it out of lego and not machined parts. And he has to climb out of a box and not climb stairs.

With 3 motor, you can make your robot 3 dof.

Oki, and it can climb up but you have to know the height of the stairs.

This is my suggestion:

You only need M1 to control the height of 4 front wheels and 2 others to run the backs.

However, this structure is very difficult to build, because of the gravity center of the robot. So that, you have to change to use wheels 3 and wheel 1 to do this. However, you also to control the height of wheel2,4. That is you need one more motor. And you only remain 1 motor to run your robot. And your robot only can go forward, it cannot turn.


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How do you get to play with lego mindstorm ????
In what class/subject is that???
You Americans have all the fun....... :cry:
Normally, a robot structure is built, and they use lego as a plastic, light, small component to build the robot, and it has some standard to do so. I'm in Vietnam, I don't play with lego robot, but once, I play with my younger brother with his lego, and I found lego has many component that we may use identically as mechanical components.

I tried to build a small arm to lift up a tiny package, and feel funny. The structure i posted is not my lego robot, it's mechanical. However, I know, with lego stuff, we can do it.

For example, we use a light wire, to pull up something with a small motor. I think tiny stepper is suitable for lego (I don't have much experience on lego), because it may give you a strong torque and can hold on everywhere.
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