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Help on frequency counter

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Can anyone help me convert this into MikroBasic? I have the program that I've been looking for but I need it to be in MikroBasic so that I could change some codes for my needs, thanks.

Simple Frequency Meter

It is written in MikroC.
The link works fine, I've rechecked. Here's the code:

 * this program writes one time per second to the RS232 communication line,
 * the frequency of the input signal on the RB0 pin
 * PIC16F84A
 * 16 Mhz crystal, HS clock
 * PORTB.0, in : counter input
 * PORTB.1, out : RS232 tx
 * PORTB.2, in : RS232 rx
 * Author : Bruno Gavand, november 2005
 * see more details on

 * RAM variables
unsigned long   cntr ;          // number of RB0 transition
unsigned int    ovrflw ;        // number of timer0 overflows
unsigned char   str[10] ;       // display result string

 * constant strings
const unsigned char welcome[] = "\r\rRS232 Frequency Meter Ready\rGo to for details\r" ;
const unsigned char unit[] = " Hz\r" ;

 * write the s ram string to RS232
void    Comm_Write(unsigned char *s)
                Soft_Uart_Write(*s) ;
                s++ ;

 * write the s constant string to RS232
void    Comm_WriteConst(const unsigned char *s)
                Soft_Uart_Write(*s) ;
                s++ ;

 * convert the cnrt long value to string
void    Long2str(void)
        unsigned char   i, j ;

        if(cntr == 0)
                str[0] = '0' ;
                str[1] = 0 ;
                str[0] = 0 ;
                i = 0 ;
                while(cntr > 0)
                        for(j = i + 1 ; j > 0 ; j--)
                                str[j] = str[j - 1] ;
                        str[0] = cntr % 10 ;
                        str[0] += '0' ;
                        i++ ;
                        cntr /= 10 ;

 * interrupt routine called 4000000/256 times by seconds :
 * the timer TMR0 is increased each 4 clock cycles (quartz frequency is 16 Mhz),
 * and overflows when reseting from 255 to 0,
 * calling the interrupt procedure with bit T0IF set
 * also called on each RBO transition, with bit INTF set
void    interrupt(void)
                 * RB0 interrupt
                cntr++ ;                // inc. transition counter
                INTCON.INTF = 0 ;       // clear interrupt flag to enable next call
        else if(INTCON.T0IF)
                 * TIMER 0 overflow
                ovrflw++ ;              // inc. overflow counter
                INTCON.T0IF = 0 ;       // clear interrupt flag to enable next call on overflow

 * entry point
        Soft_Uart_Init(PORTB, 1, 2, 38400, 0) ;    // RS232 on PORTB, bits 1 & 2, 38400 bauds
        Comm_WriteConst(welcome) ;              // write welcome message

        TRISB.F0 = 1 ;                  // RB0 interrupt pin as input

        OPTION_REG = 0b11011000 ;       // no prescaler

         * main loop
                cntr = 0 ;              // clear counters
                ovrflw = 0 ;

                INTCON = 0b10110000 ;           // T0IF, INTF and GIE enabled

                while(ovrflw < 15626) ;         // wait 1 second : 15626 = 16 000 000 / 4 / 256, rounded up

                INTCON.GIE = 0 ;                // stop all interrupts

                Long2Str() ;                    // convert counter to string
                Comm_Write(str) ;               // write string
                Comm_WriteConst(unit) ;         // write unit

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