help!! pic 2DigitUpDownCounter

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New Member
Will i have a project for University i must know how to program a pic IC.. but unfortunately i never get the chance to learn how to program a pic IC
i have the circuit and every thing is ready except for the 'program'
i want to count from 20 to 0
if ay one can help
this is the Circuit diagram
Fadel, you're going to have to do a LOT more work than that! Be specific, otherwise you'll never get good answers.
I'd suggest you choose a language we cannot make that choice for you. What programming languages do you know? Pick one you are comfortable with.

If you get stuck people here will help you. But they will not do the work for you.
Nigel has all you need on his web site... all in assembly... I have all that you need in my tutorials all in C!!

Both links are in my signature... Knock yourself out!!!!
Once you have something.. Post your code here and we'll try an set you on the right road!!
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