help : pic circuit

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New Member
i need help on the circuits of my project. It is on home automation via telephone line using pic16f877. the idea is : basically the controller will be able to control home appliances when user call the controller and enter the control mode. it uses the x10 protocol. when an alarm system connected to it is tripped, it will call a preprogrammed telephone number using dtmf transceiver.
i got a circuit for the telephone controller but without the x10 feature.another circuit is home automation using x10 but without the telephone controller.i don't want to use the lcd though. so what i want to do is combine these circuits into a circuit featuring both x10 and telephone controller. please help coz i don't know how.
another problem is that i don't know how to modify the x10 circuit because it uses the 120v/60Hz power line system. i use the 240v/50Hz power line system. i will attach both circuits. please help. any suggestion and comment is appreciated.


    211 KB · Views: 625
As you mention 240V/50Hz, presumably you are in the UK?. Regulations governing connecting apparatus to the UK phone system are extremely strict - potential penalties include unlimited fines and jail sentences!.

You certainly shouldn't be attempting anything like this unless you know exactly what you are doing, and are fully aware of the possible consequences.

Other countries are much more slack regarding connecting to the phone system - but in the UK no homemade apparatus at all may be connected, unless you send it for approval (which costs thousands of pounds).
hi nigel,
thanks for your reply and warning. actually i'm not from uk but malaysia and i'm not sure about the regulation regarding the phone system. to assure you, actually the project is for educational purpose(final thesis) and probably will be used only once for my presentation.
i really need help on the circuits.
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