Hi I have built the circuit below, I am using a 9v battery as the power supply, unfortunately when the motor is running the battery gets extremely hot, how could I prevent this from happening please? Any help will be extremely appreciated
Hi I have built the circuit below, I am using a 9v battery as the power supply, unfortunately when the motor is running the battery gets extremely hot, how could I prevent this from happening please? Any help will be extremely appreciated
You may have something wired incorrectly (a short or improper resistor value). But, as Jim said, the little 9V battery is not intended for large loads. Typically, loads under 100 mA should be used with 9V batteries.
With a 9 volt supply there is not a problem.
BUT "5-30v BATTERY/SUPPLY" It is possible to get more than 20 volts on the gate of the MOSFET with a 30V supply. Most all MOSFETs should not see more than 20V Gate-Source.
Battery ESR must be much lower than motor DCR and FET RdsOn
A better way is divide down a stable Vref to 50mV with LM358 or sense to ground OpAmp then sense current with max expected surge 10x? And choose R sense.