help required! urgent!!

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New Member
I'm trying to build a module that generates Gaussian noise using labVIEW software. It is required that this gaussian signal generator be flexible enough to read the values of mean and variance from the user.

For this, I've used the MATLAB script function available in MATLAB and wrote a MATLAB code using the randn() function, but later realized none of the pc's that i'm working on have both MATLAB and LabVIEW installed in them. Installing MATLAB would be a simple solution, but instead i now want to build the module using the available LabVIEW functions and tools.

Can anyone suggest me any other way to achieve the same??

What's the hurry?

Is white gaussian good enough? I dont use Matlab but i would bet it has a random number generator who's mean is 0.5 so you can probably just use that.
You can calculate the mean and variance from the values that it generates.
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