Hi all! Purchased 2 Tektronix 2235 Oscilloscopes with the hopes of making one good one out of the two. The best one of the two works to some degree, but to stop the sine wave (or square, makes no difference) the level control will not cause any appreciative effect on being able to slow or stop the position of the trigger on the CRT.
I have the service manual for both the 2235 and the 2235A and there is no specific notes as to where the Hold Off and the level controls are with in the boards. Yes, I can find the actual pots and what they do, but finding where they enter the main board or exit the trigger board is another matter. In the block diagrams I can see where the affect is, but cannot find out where the physical components are is another thing. It's kind of like the effect is in the crt and not on the signal as found on the main circuit board.
This issue presents itself as not being able to stabilize the signal on the CRT with any particular reticle on the CRT.
Is this possibly an issue with the CRT?