HELP:temperature sensor using 16-bit PIC!!!

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New Member
hello everybody!!
i need to design a temperature sensor(using LM or dallas chip) interfaced with PIC24FJ256GB108(or any 16-bit PIC) and display the temperature on LCD display. But i don't know the circuit diagram for it. I would be grateful if anybody can help me out with the circuit diagram.: confused:
Some temperature chips have analog outputs, others use the I2c bus, and Dallas uses the one wire bus. Read the datasheet for the sensor you want to use.

It is you project. You need to do the understand the hardware prior to writting the code.
Interfacing is relatively simple.
If its anything analog, connect it to the Anolog pins of whichever uC you are using.

If its digital, you would connect it to any digital pin (or if its a popular protocol, some microcontrollers have hardware to transmit and receive data)

Thats how you interface it. But as the two members above me have indicated, you have to know what type of sensor you are using and how to use them. The rest is software.
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