help to my dc-ac inverter

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New Member
I have a circuit that's input is (220VAC, 50Hz). (220VAC, 50Hz: the standart city electric.)
The output is (110-130)VAC with the frequency of 400 Hz. I am using this circuit for driving EL Lamps. I have about 10 circuits broken down. So, i wanna repair them.
But in circuit, there is a component, that's name is not able to see. I could not find what it is. If you gonna help me, i would be so happy. Here is the circuit:

**broken link removed**
The part should have a part number, a manufacturer's logo and a date stamped on it.
What are they then you can look it up?
There is no part number, logo or anything. I think the manufacturer of the circuit scratched them. I dont know the manufacturer, so i could not ask.
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