Help understanding the Unicorn

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Thank you for buying the kits, PORTB pullups can be enabled on the 18F4550 by
It's on page 116 of the 18F4550 datasheet
Whew, though I missed one...

I'll try to post sample keypad code for the 4 pushbuttons and 4x4 keypad. Notice using the I2C option will preclude the use some pushbuttons.

The 10K pullups are required for the I2C mode only; but they work fine with the pushbuttons too and RBPU will still function on the pins that need pullups. In the Unicorn manual (yes I'm working on it, I just released an updated Firefly manual today) you should remove U3 when working with the keypad (and don't press buttons when testing I2C or you could try to toggle in I2C data if you desire with the keypad...)

PS not documented was the thin traces under U3 (24xxx), They can be cut if you want to use a DS1307 RTC (holes for 32KHz crystal and small battery provided on the PCB) This makes it similar to the much more expensive University of Toronto PIC demo board.

**broken link removed**
This code is not ready for release but it works and will do the store demo on a 16x2 LCD mounted on Unicorn (install jumper on J1 for LCD contrast) It can also be tried on the OshonSoft simulator as in the screen capture above.
    list    p=18F4550
    include <>

#define LCD_E   LATE,2
#define LCD_RS  LATE,0
#define LCD_RW  LATE,1
#define LCD_BL  LATB,3
#define LCD_DAT LATD

        cblock  0               ; ram starts at 0x000

        org     0x000
        bra     Init
; *** pad each entry to 16 characters  db " <16> "
Text_   db      .4,.5,"  Creatron Inc"
        db      .6,.7,"    16x2 LCD  "
        db      "blueroom      ",.0,.1
        db      "electronics   ",.2,.3

; *** 2x2 blueroomelectronics logo (house)
LCD_CC  db      .128,.128,.129,.131,.135,.143,.159,.159
        db      .128,.128,.128,.144,.152,.156,.158,.130
        db      .159,.159,.159,.145,.145,.145,.159,.128
        db      .130,.130,.158,.130,.130,.130,.158,.128
; *** 2x2 creatron logo (c)
        db      .128,.128,.135,.143,.156,.153,.154,.154
        db      .128,.128,.158,.159,.130,.152,.132,.128
        db      .154,.154,.153,.156,.143,.135,.128,.128
        db      .128,.132,.152,.130,.159,.158,.128,.128

Init    clrf    TBLPTRH         ; table in first 256 bytes memory

        movlw   0x0A
        movwf   ADCON1
        movlw   b'11110111'
        movwf   TRISB
        clrf    TRISD           ; LCD Data output
        clrf    PORTE           ; LCD Control
        clrf    TRISE
        clrf    LATE            ; zero output on E
        movlw   b'00000010'     ; use internal osc
        movwf   OSCCON          ; 32KHz internal clock

;wait 15ms before using LCD

        movlw   .4              ; repeat sending 0x38 to reset LCD
        movwf   temp            ; loop counter
_init3  movlw   .50             ; 50ms delay
        rcall    dly1ms          ;
        bsf     LCD_E           ; LCD enable bit high
        movlw   0x38            ; send 0x38 four times
        movwf   LCD_DAT         ; LCD = 0x38 (8 bit mode x 2 line)
        bcf     LCD_E           ; latches on High to Low transition
        decfsz  temp
        bra     _init3          ; repeat 3 times

; load special charaters into LCD RAM
        movlw   b'01000000'     ; set LCD CG address to 00
        rcall   LCD_Ins         ; relative call

        clrf    temp
        movlw   LCD_CC          ; pointer to custom charater table
        movwf   TBLPTRL
_nextcc tblrd*+                 ; get in-line string character
        movf    TABLAT,W        ; last character
        rcall   LCD_Chr         ; send the character into LCD RAM
        incf    temp
        btfss   temp, 6         ; 64 bytes total
        bra     _nextcc

Restart movlw   Text_
        movwf   TBLPTRL          ; point to first line of text
        rcall   Clr_LCD
        movlw   .9
        movwf   temp
_wait   movlw   .250
        rcall    dly1ms
        decfsz  temp
        bra     _wait
        rcall    Clr_LCD

        movlw   .9
        movwf   temp
_wait1  movlw   .250
        rcall    dly1ms
        decfsz  temp
        bra     _wait1
        bra     Restart         ; loop forever, if fail WDT restart

Clr_LCD movlw   0x01            ; clear display
        rcall   LCD_Ins
        movlw   0x0C            ; display on, cursor off
        rcall   LCD_Ins
        bsf     LCD_BL          ; turn on backlight
        movlw   .16
        movwf   temp
_top    tblrd*+                 ; get in-line string character
        movf    TABLAT,W        ; last character
        rcall   LCD_Chr
        decfsz  temp
        bra     _top
        movlw   0xC0                    ; set cursor to second line
        rcall   LCD_Ins
        movlw   .16
        movwf   temp
_bot    tblrd*+                 ; get in-line string character
        movf    TABLAT,W        ; last character
        rcall   LCD_Chr
        decfsz  temp
        bra     _bot

; LCD entry routines watches busy flag
LCD_Chr bsf     LCD_RS          ; enable Charater mode
LCD_Ins bsf     LCD_E
        clrf    TRISD           ; make PORTD an output
        movwf   LCD_DAT         ; put data on LCD port
        bcf     LCD_E           ; latch byte to LCD
        movlw   0xFF
        bcf     LCD_RS
        movwf   TRISD           ; make LCD port input
        bsf     LCD_RW          ; enter read mode
        bsf     LCD_E           ; enable LCD
_BusyFl btfsc   PORTD,7         ; wait for bit 7 to be pulled low
        bra     _BusyFl
        bcf     LCD_RW          ; return to Instruction mode
        clrwdt                  ; if no LCD program will lock up

dly1ms  movwf   delay           ; enter with delay in ms via W
_loop1  bra     $+2
        bra     $+2
        decfsz  delay
        bra     _loop1
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Yep that's how the DS1307 connects, if you're not concerened with battery backup you can just put a 2.5V zener from +5 to the DS1307 battery pin. This will make it think it has a battery.

Q1 was an oops, I got lucky in it's only something used in the experimenter mode.

I love the 18F series, the table stuff is really handy much better than retlw routines. Although the "tblrd*+" looks so strange.

I've got some basic GLCD routines but nothing fancy, I'd love to do Conways game of life with it. The routines look similar to LCD routines but you get a hardware reset.
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