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iF I WANT this circuit to receive waves of 180khz, what should i keep the value of L, C and please also suggest the no. of turns for L


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number of turns changes with radius + diameter,

to find L, use an "induction calculator"

to find frequency, google "lc calculator"
you can use the L and C to create a bandpass filter, if you didn't already know that, basically you want the impedance of the L and C to be the same, that way they cancel each other out and allow current to pass. so to do that we use the equations: Xc= 1/[2pi(f)C] and XL= 2pi(f)L. so you want your frequency to be 180kHz so we plug that in for 'f'. next all you have to do is pick an impedance to set for both the C and the L. for this example I'll choose 500ohms. so now you plug 500ohms in for Xc and XL. then just use algebra to solve C and L giving you the values for the components.
Keep in mind you may get a significant amount of capacitance to ground that adds to tank circuit if you use a long wire antenna.

So , i need to keep some impedance for Xc and Xl. thanks...

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