help wanted with cd4015 shift register

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New Member
Hi from England and a new member

I have a running light display using a CD4015 shift register and I want to use it so that it comes on with the power and does not need the push to make start button

I had thought of replacing the PTM button with a capacitor and resistor but, before I blow the assembly do you know any way I can by pass the PTM ( I assume it is a trigger ) so it comes on when you switch the power on.

To further clarify I want a electronic/ electrical alternative to a PTM button

Some of my stuff is on You Tube under Sparkfishes

A simple circuit diagram would be helpful, we have no idea in what way you are controlling the clock/shifting to the 4015.?
I have worked a solution out for myself now thanks anyway
just incase any one wants to do the same
i.e. eliminate the manual PTM on button with an electronic self start impulse
Here is what I did**broken link removed**
**broken link removed**
I hope the images work I don't really know how to insert them here

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Give it a go now.
By passing or substituting the Push to make trigger on CD4015

Thanks for the replies
I finally worked out how to eliminate the push to make "trigger" on a running light display which used the CD4015 dual register shifter
So if any one else wishes to use the Vellman LED running Lights display so it runs as soon as you put the power on this is how it is done
I am sure it would be helpful in other , similar application where a trigger pulse is needed but you do not want to press the button yourself - say in a remote situation as mine was.
In my application the running lights will show power is ready to be applied to my HVtransforer - and the TESLA COIL


  • Push to CD4015BE.jpg
    39 KB · Views: 882
  • Push to make sub.jpg
    61.7 KB · Views: 2,084
Hi Sparkfishes,
Your diagram is very useful to me -It is exactly what I need.

One question - I do not need a power indicator LED and also I will be using 9V, so do you think I could just remove the 100ohm resistor and LED, or would I need to use a resistor of a different value ?

Many Thanks in Advance

hi Sparkes hasnt posted for almost a year.

I think he made an error in drawing his 'modification' the ends of the 100R and 100uF are reversed, so the LED and 100uF are reversed polarity.!

I would recommend that you do not use his mod.
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