Help wanted

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New Member
Hello: I am just getting back into electronics after a VERY LONG absence. When I was working in electronics, there was no such thing as a personal computer, a digital watch, or a cell phone. Jumping back in, I am experimenting with Arduino and enjoying it tremendously. Here's my problem: Using the Arduino Mini Pro or larger as the controller, I want to mount sensors remote to the driving compartment of my car and have the report the following on a TFT display in the cockpit.
1) True speed
2) Outside Air Temperature & Humidity
3) Compass Heading
4) Continuous Altitude
5) Time
6) GPS Location

As a minimum, I would like #s 1, 3, & 4 to be continuously displayed with all others selectable.

I have most all of the Arduino microcontrollers available in the U.S., the xmit and receive modules, the DHT11 module, the BMP180 module, the GPS module, The RTC module, the 1.8 TFT Display, the compass module, the enclosures, and hardware. What I need is instructions how to download the software/sketches. I'm talking cookbook type instructions here. I'm an old guy and a hardware guy. The software I am use to was fortran. We write and compile an exec that runs in a loop, making calls to system programs that retrieve data from datapool write the new value(s) to datapool on the next I/O cycle the new data is used by the system. Some of these system programs run at an iteration rate of 12K Hz or more. Thanks
I know this won't be the answer you're after, but have you considered an Android phone? Without cell service, there are programs that give you everything on your list but temperature. Speed and elevation are calculated from GPS readings. Check out this app, pictured below.

A Garmin or other GPS device will handle everything but your immediate vicinity weather data. For air temperature you can use a solid state linear sensor like n LM34, or a non-linear but super accurate sensor like a platinum thermistor and turn its signal into a temperature reading with a lookup table.

Humidity used to be difficult. Now it's $1.29.

**broken link removed**

Jon & AK:

Thanks for the suggestions. Building the project and using it , is where the fun is. So, I want to design and build it.

I failed to mention, I also have a 16 channel multiplexer. If push comes to shove, I figure I can "display and wait" and build in a select and hold feature. Tx again Eric
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