help with 13x19 led matrix please

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New Member
Hi I'm currently working on my first LED matrix. The problem I have run into is how to power it correctly. The Rows of 19 are the cathode and the columns of 13 are the anode. The LED's are standard red. I estimate that I'll need 260 ma to correctly power the columns. I intend to use 2 uln2803's to sink the rows. My problem is how to power them I'm trying to shy away from using any of the UDN drivers. I will be controlling the matrix with a pic18f4685. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Mind you this is only my second project.
I made a switchable 5 and 3.3 volt power supply for my bread board based on the one sparkfun sells. Which acording to my multimeter works fantastic.
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If it helps here is a schematic of how I have it setup thus far.
Again any help would be very appreciative.


  • LED Matrix 13x19.jpg
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