Green constantly on with chargers such as that can often mean no current is being drawn by the battery - so either no battery in it. or a fully charged battery, when everything is working OK.
The problem you describe can happen if a battery is left flat too long; the cells discharge to the point a charger does not recognise it as a correct battery, so makes no attempt to charge it.
Some type of charger will apply a very low trickle charge; if the voltage comes back within limits, it will then start to charge normally.
Either, your charger does not attempt to recover the low battery, or it has discharged to the point where one or more cells fail - lithium cells develop internal leakage or shorts if discharged to too low a voltage.
An 18V or 20V battery (same thing, different tool makers) uses five cells in series. The battery voltage should never get as low as 15V. If it's near or below that, that would explain the charger locking out. If it's at 12.5V or lower, some cells in the battery will almost certainly be wrecked.
Do you have a multimeter you can measure the battery voltage with?