Help With a Simple Scheme

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New Member
I need someone that can write a pic code to write data on a eeprom memory from 21006516 f/2f magnetic head decoder(magnetic card reader that store data to eeprom). the pic will be 12f683 ,the f/2f decoder will be 21006516 from magtek and the eeprom will be at your choice.
the schematic will be something like this:
magnetic head -> 21006516 -> pic -> eeprom

I can provide with more info , schemes and documents about it.
Your time will be payd. If someone knows how and what to do please PM me.


  • sc.gif
    52 KB · Views: 247

Why the pre-occupation with dealings by PM/Email?

A disposable email adress too......

Usually requests such as this, declaring a need to discuss matters away from the forum (especially considering the possible usage of the equipment), lead to reasonable amounts of suspicion.

Bill has asked a valid question, one which remains unanswered.

Ken has also affirmed what some reading this thread would probably be likely to suspect.

If you can "provide with more info , schemes and documents about it", please feel free to do so, openly, on the forum.
There is no secret involved in this project , but it`s my choice to deal with persons that can help me with this project via email , if you can help me than you are free to PM me , you help me with the project and i`ll pay , it`s just as simple as that.
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