Help with an Equivalent

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Dr Bob

Anyone got any I/c equivalent books? could you have a look for me and see if there is a pin to pin replacement for the MC1733CL please, It's a 14 pin dil high frequency amp
I think both Motorola (MTU) and Fairchild (FAU) made an equivalent mc1733cl.

While tough to figure where the useful info is, try: **broken link removed** (you might have to parse out the address to get where you want).

Or get the real thing at

or Google "mc1733cl direct replacement"...
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Tried googling before posting, didn't come up with anything, but I have tracked down the Texas Instruments version of it which seems to be readily available, Thanks for your help mate.
Several years ago, we had a neat electronics surplus store in Slavic Village in Cleveland -- an old, ethnic part of town. My job required that I be in that area at least once a month, and I took that occasion to visit and just browse. The store has since moved to an Eastern suburb (Mentor) and has changed it name a little. Here's a link to its current location:

One pearl I learned on a visit was that Motorola numbers are often the same as other manufacturers' numbers with just a "1" added. It was pretty obvious a 1 had been added for the part you needed, but by the time I confirmed it and found a supplier, you had solved the problem. That lead to the duplicate post. Maybe that pearl will be useful in the future.

Well, I have been in electronics for over 40 years and never really noticed that John, so yes it certainly is a pearl of wisdom and will come in handy in the future. Thanks.
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