Help with ASM/ENDASM command in PicBasicPro

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New Member
I'm learning how to program Pic's for the first time and have got the fundamentals of PICBasic Pro ok so far
I want to include a sound ooutput on the 16F877 which I'm sure I have ok, and can get it to play simple sounds

However I've found Roman Black's BTc Sound Encoder 2.0 Software which converts sound (in wave files) to a 1-bit format that can be played back on microprocessor chip

The sound is output on 2 pins of the PIC as follows:

; Digital ----------2R-----,
; |
; Digital ----------2R-----*----- Analogue
; | out
; |
; |
; C = 0.22 uF
; |
; |
; |
; Gnd

The generated file is in ASM format, which I understand I can include by using the ASM command, but how do you define what ports the sound is to be played out of?
I've included the sound sample I wish to try here (its a clip from star trek) and IF its possible to use this somehow I'd like to have the sound generated on PORTD.0 and PORTD.1

Any ideas how to proceed with this?


  • alert.asm
    56 KB · Views: 147
I can understand your confusion. I had a look at Roman Black's site and the code for the PIC is nowhere to be found. All you have above is a "wave table" and no playback algorithm.... Hmmmm...
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