help with audio controlled leds

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New Member
hello, I am trying to create an LED circuit that flashes to the music. Thus far I have everything working shown in the image. My only issue is that once I try to plug the stereo receiver into the audio splitter something trips the GFI outlet that everything is plugged into. If anyone can give me any ideas as to why it only trips when plugging in the stereo receiver to the splitter that would be awesome. Thanks


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Hello Flags,
You don't know anything about electricity nor about electronics so you are lucky to be alive.
The TIP31 and LEDs work with fairly low voltage DC, not 120VAC. The GIF saved you and anybody near the stereo from electrocution.

Do not ever connect anything to electricity without knowing exactly how to do it properly.
I dont know how you came up with that resistor/capasitor combo but its only good for like a night light in a plastic case. Do Not Hook It Up To Your Stereo. Use an isolated control like Magnatro posted. NEVER HOOK ANY PART OF AC MAINS VOLTAGE TO AUDIO CONNECTORS. If you did not have the GFI then something would have smoked. Andy

Amen to that. You've cheated death. Don't try it again.
audio controlled power led

Hi all!
this is my first post, first question
i looking for some audio controlled led device,
like Magnatro posted.

the difference is my power supply is 12V 1400mA and
i want to drive a 4.5v 1400mA/max power led with line level audio
/like 1000Hz sine or square wave.
my idea is to control the brightness with the audio amplitude.
any help will be great!
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