What is the rate of counting needed ? Frequency ?
Do you want the 0 - 999 counter to also count down, or just 0 - 999 ?
The 0 - 12 - 0, you need an enable and a end of sequence signal indicating its
finished with the 0 - 12 - 0 sequence ? Also need a signal which direction it is
going in ?
Codeless design ? If so what determines when counter mode goes from 0 - 999 to
0 - 12 - 0 ?
Counter stops at end of 0 - 12 - 0 sequence or repeats ? Same for 0 - 999...?
Do you need counter to drive a display with its value ? If so type of display, LED or LCD or....?
If counter in 0 - 999 mode, and not yet got to 999, and mode is changed to do 0 - 12 - 0 mode
what should happen to counter state ? Same in opposite mode ?
All HW or SW or both solution ?
Regards, Dana.