Help with creating a timing system for race track

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Hello everyone,

I am attempting to build a hot wheels race track for my kids and I am having trouble finding a good timing system for it. What I would like to do is have a sensor at the starting line that start a clock and one at the finish line that stops the clock and sends the results to two LED displays at the end of the track. FYI I am not very good with programming any type of controller but I will try if need be. Can anyone give me any advice as what direction I should take. All suggestions are welcome...

The simplest micro controller to use is the Picaxe chip, i would consider using a LCD display as it is easier to write to than a LED display as the picaxe can interface direct to a LCD but you need a driver for the LED displays.

As for the code to do the timing it is rather straight forward as all you need is some form of a start signal, that could be a simple light beam across the track and then just run a counter loop in the picaxe program something like...


Pause 10

inc counter

if counter = 100 then
inc seconds
counter = 0

if seconds = 60 then
inc minutes
seconds = 0

goto main


Then its just a matter of adding in the start and finish triggers and a display routine.

In the above program loop "pause 10" stops the program for 10 milliseconds so you will get a timing period of minutes , seconds, and 1/100 of a second.
Inc means increase by 1 (or add 1 to counter, etc.)

All very easy and im sure once you start you will find many other projects for the picaxe chip.

Hi jc1ortiz,

if you don't like to dig into microcontrollers here is a timer circuit using discretes.

For a one-second-time base you might salvage a crystal operated clock (kitchen clock) and use the output signal adapting the signal level for CMOS logic level using a switching transistor.

The image shows the circuit at a count of 104 seconds.

To start and stop the clock you might use a simple light barrier with latching output.



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