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Help with designing mutli relay/trigger game machine

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New Member
I am designing a circuit(s) for a game machine I want to build but I don't know how to approach it. I have attached the parts I have on hand that I can test with. I think these will suffice for the most part of the design. I intend to use them unless someone suggests there is a better method ie less time consuming, cost effective, etc.

Here's the plan:

1. A cash acceptor/machine takes in a bill and once the bill is verified, it triggers the blue relay (attached) for the main circuit to turn on for a period of max 15 seconds (which can be adjusted on the relay). Would like to activate main circuit with a START button after cash is inserted and accpeted.

2. On the main circuit there is an IR sensor. If anything breaks line of sight, it will trigger i) an alarm/siren (yay I won!) ii) trigger cash to be dispensed from cash dispenser that will be installed, and iii) turn off the main circuit so no more cash can be dispensed. basically if line of sight is broken within the 15 second interval, it turns itself off so there is no repeat loop of winning/dispensing cash.

If 15 second interval is reached without breaking line of sight, circuit turns off. (nothing complex here, relay will shut off circuit after 15 seconds).

3. need to attach a digital LCD or other small display that keeps count of the credits player has left. eg I put $5 and i have 5 credits. The main circuit is activated by a START button. Need to design something here where the counter keeps count of credits and allows player to reset the 15 second main circuit for each credit available.

4. When START button is activated, ie main circuit turned on, i need another relay to turn on an AC blower motor. just an AC relay that can handle at least 5-10 amps 120 V. Blower motor has to turn off when main circuit turns off either when line of sight of the IR sensor is broken or at the end of the 15 seconds.

5. Trigger a candy dispenser after game is played regardless if line of sight is broken or time is up.

These are the main objectives here. Anyone want to take a shot at it? If someone has any idea if this kind of design is pre made or can easily be built as a kit or something, please share. If anyone would like to contact me in private, please do so at

Thanks for looking.

PS. i will try to draw some kind of diagram soon to be more clear.


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I'm surprised no one has answered you. One of the issues is how many you intend to make and sell? You generally need to pick something powerfull enough to handle the job. Some of the very high level things to use involve Windows, Windows Embedded and embedded Linix. LabVIEW is a great development language, but it's expensive. C is typical for a Linix based system.

Some of the smaller systems involve PICs programmed in BASIC and CPUStick.
One site to look at is **broken link removed**

Idec's Smart relay family is a very small PLC with a graphical programming language that may be able to do some of what you want.

If this were a process in industry, they would use a PLC which is usually programmed in Ladder Logic. Interfaces would be standardand use I/O modules that optically isolate signals to the processor.

If this were research, one might use a full PC, the LabVIEW language with USB connected devices. The general problem with this approach is timing.

Technologic Systems PC/104 Single Board Computers and Peripherals has a TS-TPC-7390 which is a 7" touch panel computer that boots Debian Linix in 2.6 seconds for $449. They claim that they have never discontinued a product. It also runs Eclipse IDE (Integrated Development Environment) out of the box. It runs X Windows-GUI applications. It also has audio and a speaker.

Hereis yet another Linux system JK microsystems provides embedded x86 single board computers with DOS, LINUX, and Mini ITX computer solutions It has 16 I/O lines, 2 USB, SPI, AC97 amplified audio, 16 MB Flash, 32 MB RAM. SPI is used to communicate with simple periferals.

Experience will speed development time. Starting from scratch when knowing about the technologies is difficult.

The bill validator is the most complex device.
Thanks for the input.

Less than a 100 or so of these machines will be produced and probably only if it is done in a timely manner. I know its a struggle at first, and this subject really interests me but I do not have neither a sufficient amount of time nor the testing equipment needed to get started by myself.

Integrating this system with a small PC will not be cost effective in my opinion because the equipment alone raises the cost more than it needs to be. I would probably go with the PIC option but that's where my knowledge runs out because I can't code assembly language; i only know Java for now.

Would you or someone here on the board be willing to contract this for me?
I was thinking of using either of these 2 bill acceptors?

I am not familiar with their interfaces however. Does anyone have expeience with this kind of setup?
I used to work for MEI they have several interfaces built into the bill acceptor each is selected by option switches. One interface is the credit relay, It can be set to give a specific number of pulses per dollar accepted. The usual method to interface to a machine like you are building is to have a control board that is triggered by the credit relay and then controlls the operation of the machine.
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