Help with electronics on a 40 cell H20 electrolizer rectified from 120v inverter

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I am working on an idea that someone may have already completed and I have a few questions for the electronics that I believe are necessary for it to run properly. Let me first describe the proposed layout. The electrolizer will be ran off of a 1000w 60hz +-2 continuous / 2000w peak vehicle inverter. I plan to break the positive with a 120v dimmer switch to regulate , Then through a Capacitor for capacitive current limiting , then through a ½ bridge wave rectifier,( the idea here is to take away the need for PWM and utilize the natural PW ) then to the electrolizer, Then from the ground of the electrolizer through a choke, and then return to the inverter.
Here are my questions:
1. Which capacitor should I use for capacitive current limiting. I want to be able to max out at around 1500W. The more power I can get the better the electrolizer will work. Can you please show me the equation in use so I will understand it.

2. After the rectifier cuts the wave form in half do I also cut the amps from 8.3 to 4.15 or does it stay the same or does it multiply to 16.6?

3. Should I use a T157-45 core for the choke, or even better can I use a permanent magnet and how does one determining the turns?

4. Last am I missing anything?

Thanks for any thoughts or corrections you might have.
your right to an extent. However i have run small gas engines completely on hho which is what this design is for. it would be counter productive to generate enough power to get a vehicle to run on it, i agree, but to run a 5 hp motor, that in turn powers a 5000 watt generator to power your house wouldn't and is not impossible.
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It takes 2.5x more energy to create "Browns Gas" than burning it produces. How is it possible you have such an impossible device running. Can you share your design? Have you tried as they too have similar ideas (but not one that works)

OR are you saying you have an HHO engine running and you are not going to use it to create more Hydroxy gas.

Oxyhydrogen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

PS just curious, what frequency are you splitting the water molecules at?
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Not a problem. Here is my last 3 years of study in a nut shell. Brown gas is brute force. This will get you nowhere. A fella by the name of Bob Boyce designed a resonant system that forces the h20 to separate by sort of tickling it. He has a system that produces 300% efficiency. He produces 50Lpm constant and 100Lpm peak @ 800watts. Fact. He uses a toroidal coil, His primary is supplied by 120v rectified then he custom built a three phase PWM to pulse 12.5v with three different frequencies as his secondaries. If you want to learn more of it you can find his works on the hydroxy group on yahoo. I am basically tring the same thing without manipulating the frequencies. I propose that the sine waves are the determining factor aided by the frequency pulses. But i haven't tried it yet thats why i have posted these questions.
i don't know if the moderator let the last post through but if he did then here is a pdf file that explains his technical stuff if you don't want to goto the site.

42,800 hz, 21,400 hz, and 10,700 hz at 12.5v pulsed over a toroidal coil with a primary of 120v dc


  • D9.pdf
    720.5 KB · Views: 513
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Bill is totally right. It's not impossible to generate HHO, but, in physics, there's no free lunch. The energy required by the electrolizer to generate the HHO is more than you will recover from the motor. You will not be able to continuously generate 5HP from the motor with the HHO from a 1000W electrolizer, if you're lucky you may get a few tenths of a HP on average.

People promoting overunity devices are the only thing that seems to be in perpetual motion, never the devices themselves.

I have a drinking bird on my desk that keeps bobbing his head and drinking as long as I keep his drinking glass full of water (he generates a few µw by using room heat to evaporate water absorbed by his felt head). That's as close to perpetual motion as anyone is likely to get.
Interesting article thanks. I have run a small motor on the hho but i had the generator powered off of my truck when i tested it. Maybe your right. I did watch boyces generator in action and it did produce what he said. I was only producing 1.7lpm when i ran the mower on it. he was getting 50lpm. He is currently in florida right now creating an assembly line for his generators to install in cruse ships. But i don't know that for a fact thats just what he told me. But i do have to ask myself what his motivation would be. He doesn't send anyone any specific place to buy what you would need to build such a system.
There are many forms of alternate energy, Wind, Solar are a couple of examples and they do work. Even Mythbusters debunked HHO in an episode of their TV show.

For now just watch the HHO threads over at overunity, and don't worry if someone ever did get their water car running on nothing but water (and they won't) we would have heard about it by now.

Does he actually say which cruse ships... (probably not as it's a lie, no ship engineer would ever approve of such sillyness)
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well once again thanks for the replies. I have also been looking into solar. maybe you can help me with this.

What gets me it that if you were to purchase

50 4X4 Schott Solar Cells Photovoltaic .5v / 2 Watts for 160 on e-bay and you were to wire it all together to form a panel one could get 12.5v @ 2amps how long would it have to run to charge a dead battery? And as for storage what could a single deep cell battery run for that much time.

I would assume that one would have to have 10 batterys with at least 15 of this packages to create 120v @ 3 amps. with a charging time of 6 hours could these batterys be replenished in that amount of time? and what could you actually run for (2400.00 for cells and 2000.00 for batterys) 4400.00?

I really would like to know more about this. i have downloaded everything that i can find on the web, i even ordered that earth4energy e-book that didn't tell me squat. No one tells you what you need to go off-grid @ 74kwh.
Is that 74kWh per year? A typical home is probably around 10kWh per year.
Power Consumption of a US Home

Just a funny sidenote on Mr Greenhouse (Al Gore) household power consumption
**broken link removed**
In the past year, Gore’s home burned through 213,210 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity, enough to power 232 average American households for a month.
Solar is more common then wind but also very expensive at the moment, hopefully prices will come down. It'll cost you an arm and a leg for current solar tech and geography is an important factor, same with wind.

Here's a 2003 Nova article on the cost of a solar home.
NOVA | Saved By the Sun | This Solar House | PBS
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Looks more like 8,760kwh per year if it averages around 1kw continuous.

74kwh per year would average out to only 8 watts or so continuous. Tough to live on.

run a 5 hp motor, that in turn powers a 5000 watt generator

5 hp = 3728.5 watts, not 5000.
5hp = 3728.5 watts, not 5000.

Yeah, and that's at 100% efficiency to boot. 5kW generators (continuous) typically use 10HP engines. So a 5HP would do half that, or 2500W.

Hilarious, all these grandiose schemes, and they can't get the basics right...
I've got to give cbiblis credit for the first person with an HHO engine to appear to actually read the links I posted and appears to be interested in dropping the idea. I'll have to report this to my Illuminati overlords
Solar power?
People think of harnessing the sun overhead forever so that their solar panels will operate perfectly in winter at sunset, night-time and sunrise as well as at noon in the middle of summer.

My solar garden lights are dim at night for about 1 hour now in the middle of winter after a sunny day but shine fairly brightly all night long in summer.
They don't work following rainy cloudy days.
Hilarious, all these grandiose schemes, and they can't get the basics right...

I've noticed a flagrant disregard in the "overunity" crowd for getting the numbers right.

Also things like understanding the difference between watts, amps, amp-hours, watt-hours... and pretty much every other unit. They seem to like to pretend that power and energy are the same thing, that somehow horsepower equals watt-hours, and that all the smart guys in the world should drop whatever they are doing to work on some crank's latest half-baked idea.
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