Help with flat earth facts and English language.

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You need to look up the word "shark" or "hustler". You may change your opinion on her math skills. She may just be setting you up for a "kill".
I didnt think of that..............

Funny thing is one of the first comments she gets from people when they ask her if she has a brother or sister and she answers, IS.. I bet you fight like cat and dog blah blah blah, actually in reality she is my best friend.

Dosnt matter if its a teddies tea party or taking samples in the lab, we always do things together. Thursday night is what we call Team Bean Night (Beans is one of her nicknames), I am in team bean and have a T shirt to prove my membership. But on Thursdays we sit and watch a film together and i make popcorn.

Its our kind of fill each other in on our week so far, we have been doing it for ages now. I enjoy the couple of hours unwinding and chatting with her.
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Now its been mentioned, i do wonder at times why if her maths is so bad, does she always beat me at monopoly? Surely your not suggesting she is cheating me! I did wonder why she insists on being the banker, she said it was for maths practice
monopoly is easy to figure out. if you have the two largest paying monopolies with hotels on them, you basically have the game locked up in your favor. if you have the boardwalk/park place monopoly and two or more monopolies on the second or 3rd sides with hotels on them, you are also very likely to win. i have seen people have the boardwalk/park place monopoly lose the game, but they didn't have 2 or more other monopolies on the 2nd or 3rd side (but had all of the first side and one on the second side). there's a more up-to-date, and very educational game that models modern business strategies called Cash Flow. i highly recommend it.
So charging me double rent because i am family isnt a legit strategy then? Next your be telling me the banker dosnt get $1,500 extra at the start as payment for being the banker? When you pass go everyone gets $200 except the banker who gets $400 because of his bonus?

Thanks for also posting a way to win guide for HER

I loose at enough games thanks, teaching her how to fleece me with even more sophisticated games is NOT on my to do list
i know there are some "insult bot" javascripts out there that are pretty effective and funny.
What about the questions in post 229?

Oh, now you're going to go there? Though Wikipedia calls it "pseudoscience" we who believe know that is just to keep it from being discovered and ruined. Why do you think most of Earths native populations were overthrown? It's because they knew the truth, that they came from an underworld into the light! And weren't afraid to talk about it. The Flat Earthers have also been working to keep the secret, but when people start threads like this......
Do you have to lift the pole out to get into the underworld?
I think that they must let people go to the North Pole, because when you lift out the pole and climb inside, you probably drop straight down and die, never to be able to tell of the secret.
They won't let you get to the South Pole though, because there are patrol boats which are nose to tail all around the giant ice wall and they shoot people who come close enough.
But if you do get to go to the South Pole and lift out the pole, all the bodies fall out first, then you can climb up inside without falling to your death.
Have I got that right?
Not every one had radar.
The battle of the River Plate is an example where Germans miscalculated ship size and distance. Give me a minute and I can find an example where Japan fired on very small ships thinking they were destroyers.
in addition to RADAR, battleships also had a station, usually above the bridge, which was the gun director. the gun director had a large optical rangefinder, and other instruments that fed the analog computer that aimed the ship's main turrets. so, for battleships, ambiguity of distance and size of a target were not an issue.

according to the book "Tracking the History of RADAR", the Graf Spee was the first ship fitted with RADAR. it had been useful in identifying cargo vessels and what caused the germans to scuttle the Graf Spee was leaked false information that there would be a lot of british ships waiting for them.

also, japanese radar was very crude, and not a lot of research was done. they saw radar as a defensive tool, so in their thinking, anything not an offensive weapon was not worth developing (now you know where Gene Roddenberry got much of the Klingon's cultural traits from... kind of a mix of the japanese and the vikings). japanese early warning radar used on their home island detected the presence of aircraft, but not location, speed, heading, altitude, and numbers. most of the japanese technology for accurately locating aircraft were using sound location methods.
the gun director had a large optical rangefinder,
I have used range finders, sniper scopes. If I thought I was shooting a man but it was a 3 foot tall child, the range will be very wrong.
The ships optical range finder must know what ship before you can find the distance. I have looked at the range finder books. You count smoke stacks, try to guess coal/diesel by looking at the smoke, look for towers then compare to outlines in a book. In a number of battles the type of ship was misread, the size was off by 2:1 and thus the guns could not find the targets.

This is the same thing for a 32 mile across sun very close reads the same as a very large sun very far away.

From the little I recall, that type of optical telemeter was able to provide the distance to the target based in the coincidence of two images of the same point, allowing for a trigonometric calculation where the distance between extreme mirrors was data, obviously constant. Since the concern to decide on the elevation was based on distance, I am not so sure that the size was the first concern. Yes, I know, a big battleship, a priori, looks more dangerous than a tugboat...

Given the basic usage, it was no surprise the telemeters were all of big size.

From Wikipedia, the Graf Spee's telemeter.émetro_01.jpg

The vessel was sunk not too far from the access channel. Maybe 40 years ago, I was still able to see the top of her mast on port side while proceeding to Montevideo.

In 1969, as a cadet, when calling Hamburg with our school ship, I had the chance to meet two crew members who had spent the rest of the war in our country. One of them, he was still able to recall in Spanish a colorful curse and how to ask for a ticket to the bus driver.

Langsdorff, did put an end to his life, little after the scuttling, once in Buenos Aires.
an optical rangefinder does not require knowledge of the size of the target. you have what is basically two telescopes with a prism system merging the two images at the eyepiece. at the objective ends of the telescopes are mirrors or prisms, one at a fixed angle, the other is movable. the two images in the eyepiece are merged by changing the angle of the movable mirror. you now have a right triangle with a known distance for the baseline, and a measured angle from which the other two sides of the triangle can be calculated. the rangefinder, if it's part of a gun director sends the range and azimuth data to the fire control computer. there is no ambiguity caused by misjudging the size of a target. if the range is now known, the size of the object can also be calculated because you now have measurements of two sides of a triangle and the apex angle. the longer the baseline, the better the measurements. also, in addition to the main gun director, two of the main turrets on US battleships had their own rangefinders so the turrets could be independently directed if the main director on the mast was disabled.

when i said "optical rangefinder" i wasn't talking about a graticule measurement.


Off the coastlines of SE Asia after the Vietnam war we used optical range finders, searchlights and ID manuals with the local types of ships to identify and range ships (some were pirates attacking those poor people) during rescue missions for boat people. Most were 'Junk' type fishing boats with no reflectors or radar signature for tracking in the shipping lanes.

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