Help with flat earth facts and English language.

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i was thinking you could use EMP and ionospheric disturbances as proof that the earth is round, but many flat-earthers believe that nuclear weapons don't exist...
I looked at the picture of the short mountain close and the tall mountain far away.
My picture:
I am laying on the floor looking at a man close and a man far away. The close one looks taller but he is not. Is the floor flat or curved (round)?

I am not convinced by the far mountain looks short argument.
I like the "ship sailing over the horizon" argument.
Can you please elaborate upon why the near/far mountains don't look convincing?
The mountain in the background looks shorter or smaller because of perceptive not because the earth is round.

The couple in the foreground is not 4.5 times taller that the man with the cane in the background.

The girl with the black purse and the girl in the white dress are the same height. As the white dress person walked away her head dropped down below the first person. This happens because of perspective not because the street is curved down.


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