Help with interfacing none common LCD have datasheet etc !

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Hey well I finally got my hands on a PIC16F690 and a OPTREX DMC-50461N LCD panel from what I see it uses the M50530-001FP as the LCD driver chip datasheet can be found here **broken link removed** as well as it also has a M50524FP IC on it aswell as the special IC and that is a 1325956,KQX97669601hC Lexmark. But im just avoiding hopefully both of them and going right into the M50530 if thats even possible

Anyways im looking at how to hook the panel up and send just a simple Hello World on 2 lines in the center of the screen the LCD Panel itself is a 4x20 display anyhelp on the subroutines to send the data and the hookup of such a panel is greatly needed thanks alot guys
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Google is your friend. I did a search for OPTREX DMC-50461N and found that it's a serial device but can be mod to a parallel, there was even info on some of the commands to use for the serial function.
I did find some info as well but its the connection's thats screwing with me as well as a little of the programming because of the fact that it's not in assembly but in a Make controller so I think its a little different thats all not sure though but thanks for the replys guys
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