help with pic 12f629

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bubba 1

New Member
Hi all i am new to programming pics, iv done a few projects with cmos 4017 and 555 timers resistors and transistors leds. I wanted to do a project with a programmer so i bought a jdm fez-877 and got a 12f629 pic. After looking for hex files i found one to make a knightrider light (yes i know not another one), but just wanted a go at it, so got the hex file and a diagram off Jose Pino's projects and Tidbits. I am using the rs232 cable and winpic800 cant seem to get the thing to work and wanted to know if i need to set anything in the settings of the program im using. I think its flashing the pic heres what the program says Opening COM 1 Detecting -> 12f629 Reading Data - 128 byte Reading osccal Reading Bandgap Device Erased . : OK [ Verifying during programming ] Programming code - 1024 word [ verifying ] Reading code _ 1024 word Code ok Programming Data - 128 byte [ verifying ] Reading data - 128 byte Data ok Programming id - 4 word Programming config - 1 word [ verifying ] Reading ID - 4 word Reading Config. - 1 word ID - OK Config. - ok Does this mean that the pic has been flashd with the hex file, am pulling what hair iv got left out over this, been on weeks to try and get it to work, other than that, can anyone tell me how to set this thing up to get just 1 led to flash on and off, would need hex file and diagram (plans) as i said i am a newbee thanx jimmy (ps theres a little green bar on the bottom that goes up in green to 100%)
Does this mean that the pic has been flashd with the hex file
Yes, It looks like the PIC has been successfully flashed. You should be able to put the PIC in the circuit the code was designed for and it should work. Here is a page with some examples for programming the 12F629.
just like to say thanx, thought it flashd but as a newbee wasnt sure. just need to get the thing to work now. I wouldnt need to alter anything in settings or is it done for you automatically ie auto id? highlited, clock in clock out, also when i drop the numbers and letters in to the program they change, is this normal, again thanx for the speedy reply. I know im asking a lot of questions but i think once i get something to work i wont need to ask too many times and might be able to give instead of taken thanx jimmy
First off, I'll say that I haven't used the jdm fez-877 and WinPic800 myself. If you had 12F629 selected in the upper right hand corner and you see random data in the window (other than 0x3FFF) then it is safe to assume that the HEX file loaded OK. The programmer should give an error if the wrong part ID was selected or if auto ID fails to recognize the PIC. Since the programmer wrote and verified the PIC, it looks like everything, programmer wise, is working.
It is possible that _config is not imbedded in the HEX file, and if this is the case then you'll need to change the settings in WinPic800 for it to be programmed properly.
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would you have any idea how to change this for the project to work? if not i will just keep playing around with it untill something clicks in my tiny mind thanx jimmy
I have an poster for a quick start PIC project. A small program with schematic for a 12F509 (should be easy to modify for the 12F629)
Could be handy to see if your JDM is working.
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what would you suggest for a first time user as hardware or software IE what program or what programmer
Well I'm biased as I design and sell PIC kits including programmers. The Junebug is a popular choice (programmer / debugger & tutor) and it's 6 LEDs in the Tutor part make a knight rider light demo. I recall posting a cylon LED program for Junebug somewhere in these forums. Just search for Junebug to find the code.
would you have any idea how to change this for the project to work? if not i will just keep playing around with it untill something clicks in my tiny mind thanx jimmy
If you are building Jose Pino's KITT eye, then you need to set the config fuses as follows:
Data and code protection: OFF
Brown Out Detect: OFF
MCLR: OFF or IO mode
Oscillator: Internal with IO
Power up timer: Doesn't matter.

The ones in red are the most important.
thanx for the info i will give it ago as i still cant get it to work, thinking of sticking to cmos and caps, its got my head spinning
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