help with PWM circuit board

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New Member
I'm working a Pulse width modulation circuit board to mount in my instrument cluster. It will control brightness of
an LED guage I'm adding. I'm actually an electronic hobbyist at best and in the middle of restoring a Mr2. Thought I would ask here in the forum if anyone can make me a circuit board for this project. Here's a link to information
that I am working from.
Main page:

and here's the actual circuit: attachment:/49/Omori_dimmer.html

thanks in advance
I might have a circuit board. Where are you?
What power level for the LEDs. How many mA or Amps?
Input is 12 volts which is 11 to 15 volts.
Output voltage is ?
Output current is ?
Now that I reread you link I see it already has a dimmer board.
Do you want another board like in the link or do you want something different?
Thanks for the response ..yes like in the link. Identical for it to work in the cluster. I put one together using perf-board but it requires such small
connections that I really have to have a PCB. So I picked up some copper clad circuit board and I'm going to try etching my own. Wish me luck!
or skills I'll post some results .
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