help with schematic

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New Member

i am trying to make something like this, which usefully has a **broken link removed** for it. I know how to solder/ could probably hack this thing together IF i knew what the bits are. Anyone fancy talking me through this?

The link to your schematic is broken. Any idea where the music is from I was kinda liking it =>
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If you search for color organ you should find a lot of them. Then just mount the leds in the cap.
Here's the schematic for those who can't see it, and the person who posted it on youtube commented saying:

I would also kind of be interested in a little gadget like this, but wouldn't know what resistors or caps to actually use. He also stated that the liquid used was Tonic Fluid/Highlighter Fluid


  • Capture.JPG
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right, i did a bit more research around tinternet and found an incredibly basic version- essentially what i have at the moment is a tip31 transistor,leds and a 9v battery. plugged it in and it works! really sketchy schematic of what i have is here

while this is all well and good i still want to turn it into more like the video, so i have the components for a simple RC low pass filter that should give me a cutoff of 150hz what i have is a 1k resistor and a 1µ capactior. how can i wire this into my existing set up so the box pulses nicely with the beat?

also, anyone have any idea how you would go about getting highlighter fluid?! sounds kinda cool, my plan for the moment is to have the leds mounted in a transparent blue box
Merci beaucoup in advance
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