help with tesla coil topload

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what about drilling a small hole in the threads of the bolt and solder the wire to that. this way the wire doesnt go inside anything
what about drilling a small hole in the threads of the bolt and solder the wire to that. this way the wire doesnt go inside anything

That would be ideal, as long as screwing your topload on doesn't cut the wire. Make sure you solder the wire as low on the bolt as possible, so that the torroid can screw on fully.
should i cover the head of the bolt on the inside of the pvc cap with something to insulate it? such as epoxy or silicone caulk?
should i cover the head of the bolt on the inside of the pvc cap with something to insulate it? such as epoxy or silicone caulk?

It couldn't hurt. What kind of bolt is it? Does it have a round head or what? Either way, that would be a good idea, yes.
if you look at the pic, i have a hole on top and bottom of my topload. i am welding a nut to one side to screw onto the top of the coil. that leaves me with a hole on the top. just wondering what the best way to fill it would be? i could use aluminum tape, or i could weld it shut. if i weld it, i can smooth the outside, but will sharp edges on the inside of it cause internal losses? please LMK ty


  • 2011-11-15 10.31.18.jpg
    94.5 KB · Views: 515

Sharp edges on the inside shouldn't be a problem. The charges accumulate around the outside of the topload, so it's not likely that there would be internal corona leakage. Welding it would be ideal.
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