help with this LCD

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New Member
hi, i have this LCD and i don't know how to used,
on back is writen:

LCD unit

please help, and sorry for my bad english
Assuming it's a text LCD module?, it's almost certainly Hitachi compatible, check my PIC tutorial.
hi, i have this LCD and i don't know how to used,
on back is writen:

LCD unit

please help, and sorry for my bad english

I see you posted this in every forum around the www.
No help anywhere, maybe send us a picture from the back of your LCD.

320x240 wo/controller will be a difficult project for you if you can't even identify the LCD, SED1330,T6963 is the most common controller for graphic LCD, if you see one of this chip on the back, you might have a chance to get it up and running.

check this link for more info..
Graphic LCD Controller/Module Info

That means it has an onboard controller somewhere probably an I2C or SPI bus interface. You need to disassemble the display until you can find out what the driver IC is, because that's what you'll actually be dealing with. A 'naked' LCD panel with an external controller would have a huge number of pins.
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this is the photo for lcd display


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If my information is correct I found one of the 3 version of your LCD datasheet..
**broken link removed**

Hope this helps.

If it is a part of some working device you can try to monitor LCD signals in system. More likely it is SPI driven and you need to find quite a few pins.
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