If you are using soft-start then the gate connects via the 10 Ohm resistor to the output of one opamp of the LM324 IC.
Thanks for reminding me about the 10 Ohm resistor, I do have that marked on my schematic. I also appreciate the warning about the tab on the FET. My first attempt was such a mess, I started over and am using ()blivion's soldering method. Now it's methodical and neat and I can tell where I've been. Thank you ()blivion.
Anyway, I have the FET installed except for the gate. I was going to install the 10 Ohm resistor, wire in the four components of the soft start, then send a wire to pin 10 of CD40106 IC and the pots. On the pots, I was going to solder to the middle and an end tab by laying the wire across the two tabs. Do I have this right?