A reminder that the junction temperature of the FET is 175 deg. C., so the FET internally operates at a very high temperature.
Just about any power transistor will self-destruct without a heat sink. Heat sinks can be sized using thermal resistances. I'm a little rusty doing it. The ideas is to use the "junction temp, ambient temp, junction to case thermal resistance, and the thermal resistance of the insulator to find the minimum thermal resistance of the heatsink that is required.
One of the leads of the FET is usually at one of the power supply potentials and therefore it is usually electrically insulated from the heatsink with a thermal washer. Their are two different techniques used. One uses thermal grease and the other does not. You can buy a "mounting kit". The mounting kit generally consists of a shoulder pad, screw, nut and a domed lockwasher. The domed lockwasher is better at applying constant pressure.
1. A sil-pad doesn't require thermal grease. It's texture is not smooth.
2. the other method traditionally used a mica washer. This has been replaced by other types of materials. It is important that only a "very thin" layer of thermal grease be used on each side.
When you drill the mounting holes make sure that their are no burrs.