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New Member
Hi. This is the first time I use IC-Prog and I am facing some trouble. I assembled my program using MPLAB then opened the hex file using IC-Prog. I erased the PIC, verified that it is blank, and then attempted to program it. But it always gives me a 'verification error at address 0h000' message. I really don't know what the problem might be or whether I have the configurations wrong. The PIC is 16F877 and the program is very simple. Please help ASAP.
Check your HW, and test the PIC in circuit maybe the program is written correctly but only verification fails (I had the same problem with 18F4320).
well i am pretty sure the problem is from the way i am using IC-Prog. Can you please give me a short description of the steps I should use from the minute I open IC-Prog? I don't understand the different buffers and the different addresses on the screen.
OK, no problem. You didn't mention what kind of programmer do you use. I use JDM. The only thing what I do is I select correct PIC, load the HEX file and click program. It should work. Ignore those Buffers (They are used for temporal storage of HEX files, if you use different PICs and HEXs at the same time) and the Address - Program memory window should be full of 3FFFs when the PIC is blank.


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Well the programmer I am using is not known! It is a programmer that has been built by a local electronics company here. Now I open the hex file, choose the 16F877 PIC, set the oscillator type to XT, disable all things except for the WRT option, and program. But I still get this error message at the end of the programming operation:
'Verify failed at address 000h!'
I am going crazy here.
So you don't even know if that programmer is supported by ic-prog? What kind of programmer is it Serial/Paralel ? Send us a picture (and scheme if you have) of it.
It is supported by IC-Prog. It is a parallel programmer and it comes with a help file to configure it using IC-Prog. In the hardware settings of IC-Prog, I choose ProPic2 Programmer. The programmer erases the chip and verified that it is blank through IC-Prog, but the error message I get is when programming it with my program.
As I said, try the PIC if it is programmed correctly in circuit. And you can use Ic-progs Hardware Check feature to check if your programmer is not damaged.
Hey! It is working now! :lol:
The problem was the power supply I was using. It was not providing the programmer with enough current so I changed it and now the programmer is working fine. Thanks for ypur help.
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