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Gaurav Varshney said:
Is there any software that converts a C language code into assembly language for 8051 microcontroller??

Is not that the purpose and function of a C compiler? I wouldn't think there would be anything else that re-invents that wheel without being a compiler.

Posts with meaningless heading like 'Help' tend to get ignored. Everyone here is to either help or to seek help. How is your post different ???

Change the topic to something less rude and more meaningfull and rephrase the question to

'Is there a C compiler for the Intel 8051 microcontroler ?'

Having said that, I would suggest that you do a google search for '8051 C compiler'. I found atleast SDCC and Crossware.
I think what you are asking, is there a utility program that you input a program written a C language [text]
and it gives you an output file in Assembler language [text].

Am I hitting the 'can'?
Most C compilers I've seen (for PICs at least) will generate an assembly language file as an intermediate output, in addition to generating a HEX file.

These machine-generated assembly files tend to be pretty hard to follow, though not as bad if the C code is retained as comments.

But, I don't see much reason to care about the intermediate assembly code, except for some basic debugging if you don't trust the compiler, or if you need to write something in assembly language but never took the time to learn how to do it yourself - such as for school work?
Given the wording of the original post, I am guessing it's more likely the latter.
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