
Whats better? AC or DC

  • AC

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • DC

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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New Member
hi, im new. i need help building a device that will shock someone like those shock lighters, but a little more juice. can anyone help me? i dont want to buy one and this is for a movie im doing.

i would like to keep this as simple and as cheap as possible
It's funny how pple want to shock other pple! :twisted: (You're not the 1st one to ask be to build up a thing like that).
Well I had in mind that if you have a capacitor well charged and having two wires @ each of its terminals, just touching with the wires the victim will automatically discharge the capacitor with a, how do you say, shock....
Taking into consideration that a couple of simple AAA batteries is cheap, and a 1000um is relatively cheap, add some wires to the total, and you'll get your gadget.
I 4got 2 tell ya that the more the capacitor is small for the same capacitance - and believe me, a giant capacitor is not fun @ all -, its price gonna shoot up...
From IncoTel, it's about 250 cents or so, but I'm sure you'd find other prices (maybe better) @ your electronic reseller...
Capacitor on AAA batteries?? What are you talking about? That won't shock anyone any more than the AAA battery itself.

The lighters use the normal piezo ignitor but rerouted the spark to the button. The piezo must be mechanically struck to work so it doesn't scale.

The way shockers are usually done is one or two AAA providing an impulse to an inductor coil. Just hold onto the inductor wires, then very quickly also touch the battery to the inductor wires. If it stays on too long, the current will start to melt the inductor though.
Your Poll Question isn't really Valid.
It also depends on the Frequency of the AC and is the DC Pulsed or Constant.

why not try tu plug that person into the mains :?: :?: :lol: :lol:
this would be interesting.
and , don't forget to use a curent limiting resistor :wink:
Poll results

I think your poll question is very funny. Reminds me of the Edison/Westinghouse rivalry.
I wondered who would point that out, your poll results may have been different during the 1890's...

History's full of examples where superior marketing trumps engineering, at least for awhile, sometimes for good (8086 vs. 68000, PC vs. MAC, though the winners often absorb the best ideas from their competition in the long run).

Is AC or DC better? First, define your concept of "better", and under what circumstances? Like the analogy Nigel made elsewhere, "what are the limitations of a wheel?"
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