hex code clock

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New Member
does anyone know where i can get the plans for a hex code clock ( if there is any) i have a binary clock but would like to have one that shows the time in hex code
hex code clock

i want to show off ...... then i can say can any one tell what time it is on my hex code clock
:? :roll: Ummmm
I think it would be not very difficult to do with a microcontroller.
Always thinking you want to get something like this:

"0E : 1B" from usual "14: 27"

Just make a routine that waits for a second. Each time the routine is ended increment a "seconds register". Each 60 seconds you can increment your "minutes register" and clear your "seconds register". Each 60 minutes you clear both and increment the "hours register". Repeat this until you get 24 hours. Then reset all those registers, and let it start again.

With this you now have a clock. All you have to do is to connect it to some 7-seg LED blocks or to a LCD or to a LED array. Then you'll have to decide how do you want to show the hour, maybe in hex, maybe in dec, maybe in binary or in ternary or in whatever you like. They are, anyway, characters to be displayed in any sort of screen. You see? :mrgreen:
I first saw this design of clock back in the late 70s/early 80s in Electronics Today International - no longer published. Back then it was all done with unbuffered cmos. One lad I worked with added a binary output to it. Three columns - hours, minutes & seconds.

It looked good just with red leds and I think it would look even better using modern multicoloured components mounted on a lacquered pcb and enclosed in a clear perspex box. Just enough to keep me busy on a wet weekend.
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