Hey guys, newbie here, help needed desperado!

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New Member
Hi there,

I really hope someone on here can help me. I'm attempting to use these cookies :

kingbright DD-12HWB 12 segment led array

The problem is that they have a crazy pinout system which doesnt agree with the way my mind works being a newbie to electronics!

I was wondering if someone would be kind enough to design me a very basic circuit to operate from 12vDC to make the little bar graph turn on one after another, starting from the left, (leaving the previous ones on) and then all turn off again one after the other, finishing on the left. That's it! It's for a dummy display project I'm working on for an automotive application.

I'm lost without someones help or a clue and it just wont happen as I dont really understand chip programming etc. My knowledge takes me to lighting them all up and thats it!

I really would appreciate your help with this.

Many thanks
You need a current source between +Vcc and pin1, of say 2-5ma. Connect 2-3,5-6,7-8,10-11,14-15,16-17,19-20. You need 12 npn transistors(can be ic array e.g. ULN2003 by 2) with each seperate collector connected to the previous connections, as well as, pins:4,9,13,18 and 21. You turn the transistors on only one at a time starting with the collector connected to 2-3 and work upwards in pin numbers. This will turn the segments on as you wish. The transistor emitters should all be grounded, and the bases provide the control. How you switch them is up to you.
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