Hey, Marks256...

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theinfamousbob said:
Did they have to do glass?

scientists haven't perfected transparent aluminum yet (Scotty only gave us the formula some 20 yrs ago), so glass is the next best thing. plastic would be stronger, but solar radiation, extreme desert heat and foot traffic would ruin plastic pretty quick.
I thought it was going to be enclosed. From that picture it looks like its just a catwalk What keeps suicidal maniacs from jumping and children from falling over the side?
kchriste said:
That little piece of awning material you see on the inner circumference.

Yeah... what is that? I'll see if I can find a better picture. I thought that was the steel that supports the thing.
Heres a slighty larger version of the picture.

It looks like a waist high rail is the only thing keeping people from falling. I can't even tell if there is glass between the posts that hold the rail up. If not, there is a enough space for a horse to fall though there! Dosn't the government have any safety standards for indian reservations? Walkways over highways have better safety measures then that!


  • canyon.jpg
    77.4 KB · Views: 273
I'm sure we'll see the elegant walkway adorned with 6ft chain link before long. I'm not 100% certain how the US <-> Native American Sovereignty rules work, it does give them a lot of lee-way but I can't see public endangerment as one of those flexible items.
justDIY said:
I'm sure we'll see the elegant walkway adorned with 6ft chain link before long.

I was thinking more along the lines of th 10 foot chainlink with a hooked top, like can be seen on top of the empire state building and in many prisions and mental hospitals
I am afraid of heights as it is... So they finally finished it, eh?

I have a bad feeling about this one. The things people do for a thrill.

I am sure some nutcase will try to jump off it...
who lives closest to that place? maybe he could go and take a closer look at it and make some pictures for us to examine... like the view, materials etc. would be cool...
I'd go myself, but it just happens, that i live half the world away.
i wonder who does the cleaning of the glass floor there... I mean to clean the underside you must be quite a stunt-junky...
I'd love to do that!
I wonder if the design incuded provisions for working on the bottom? Maybe some kind of rails along the inside edges of the steel frame to allow some sort of rolling platform to be used. It would be interesting to know!
$30!?!?!?!? That site isn't even worth my bandwidth!

Something just doesn't seem right about that thing. Something bad will happen...
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