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Yawn... these guys have no idea what's playing in our minds now when they post these questions.
You could take a window sprayer pump out of an old car, it will already have a twelve volt motor built in, no need for any extra work.
You could take a window sprayer pump out of an old car, it will already have a twelve volt motor built in, no need for any extra work.

Been there...done that...smelled the smoke. Unless it's a really, really, really old car, the motor bushings in those pumps are plastic and will quickly melt if run continuously. They are designed for only very brief run-times...seconds.

Oh I used old 1989/90/91 Toyota Liteace ones which worked fine for me but I'm not sure if I ran them long enough to do any damage. Thanks for the heads up, I wasn't aware that they were plastic, I wont be trying to get motors out of them so
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