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New Member
Hey I am planning to build a circuit which has multiple transmitters and a single receiver. The basic idea I have in mind is for example in a restaurant of 20 tables, each table will have a button which is the transmitter and there would be a wireless receiver in the kitchen which would be connected to an LED screen on which the number of the table from which the request had come will be coming. Please help me with the general idea as to how to go about it? Can I write the program in embedded systems?
I was playing with these a couple of years back...

You could just add more and more nodes.... Set up any digital / analogue signal to be sent to the host..
You just buy the kit.. I comes with 4 transceiver units and one USB unit. They run off two AAA batteries... You'll need to read up on them as I didn't get very far with them ( they are hanging around somewhere )

The other hope is Xbee or Zigbee.... There are many RF units out there that run on "one to many" networks...
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